[News] No Discord-related posts for a while, needing sources and translators.

Why can't you post Discord-related contents again?

I have a personal problems that makes me not being able to use Discord for I don't know when.

So what contents are you going to post meanwhile?

I will start posting educational posts such as math and history. For educational, I may need sources from trusted individuals.

How can I become a translator and what do I do as a translator?

Being a translator means you are working volunteer with no payment. As a translator, you will translate my posts into the language you choose to translate too. Translator must be open to grammar fixes and feedback written in comment.

If you feel that you want to be a translator,

Contact me on duckleeblog@gmail.com.


  1. Ducklee here! Thank you for reading this post. Email me at duckleeblog@gmail.com if you are interested to be source or translator!


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